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Welcome to

I’m Andrew, the Founder of Welearncrypto. My passion is to educate and show that there are better alternatives to the conventional systems we know. Explore the page, enjoy the Free Ebook information, and take the steps toward Financial freedom remember knowledge is power!

Failure is not an option

Always take profit

Financial Freedom

Make Money 

Learn how to trade

Keep your crypto safe and secure

Join Our Course

Stage 1: Patterns and wallets

New Trading Course Starting Mid-January 2025

Join my proven trading course starting Mid-January 2025! Thousands of students have found success with this KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) approach.


What You’ll Learn:

  • Support & Resistance

  • Trendlines, Patterns, and Key Indicators

  • How to set up wallets and use exchanges


How It Works:

  • Daily homework assignments, personally marked by me.

  • After completing Stage 1, you’ll take an exam and earn a Stage 1 Achievement upon passing.

Ready to level up your trading? Contact me at VIPCRYPTOBOI@GMAIL.COM


for more info and to secure your spot!

Let’s make 2025 your year!

Stage 2: Candles

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You will be learning key indicators for success, as well as learning about candles patterns in detail. You will learn to identify bearish, bullish and neutral candles.

Once you have completed Stage 2, you will be

demonstrating your acquired knowledge in your exam.


The exam is comprised of 30 questions. Upon passing the exam, you will be issued with a Stage 2 achievement certificate in trading.

Stage 3:
Day trading

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Stage 3 is where you will learn how to trade like a professional. This is a full course on how to enter and exit trades, set stop losses, and take profits. You will leverage all the skills you acquired in Stage 1 and Stage 2 to understand how real money is made. You will learn how to trade without letting emotions get the better of you.


Once you have completed Stage 3, you will be demonstrating your acquired knowledge in your exam. You must be able to demonstrate that you have made 500% Profit.

Working nine to five is not how you make a living!

You are always expected to work extra with utmost dedication without having good perks and salaries or even job satisfaction. Also in a 9 to 5 job you actually become a slave to the same routine daily. It's like waking up, bathing, eating, going office, working, coming from office, sleeping and done.

Are you awake yet?

Digital identity passports is the start of your freedom going down the drain! Banks, Governments, Corporations Taking over you rights and freedom! Have you ever ask the question how is it that the banks are making billions of dollars and the cost of living is going up? 


Did you know in 2021 Commonwealth bank said they are starting up a new crypto service? Now in 2023 they are now saying it's a scam?

Simple reason they are saying this it's to scare you out of the market so they can keep using your money to make them profits!.


We are waking up to this and no longer needing the banks service and they are scared!! So they use the words We want to Protect you from Fraud! but remember in 2021 what they were offering  so how is it a scam? They have been using your money to reinvest for years!! but now we are waking up to this scam!! and people are becoming millionaires over night!! By becoming your own bank with Crypto!! So let me teach you how.


About MEXC exchange


  • Intro To MEXC

  • How To Sign Up

  • Depositing With Bank Or Debit

  • How To Trade

  • MEXC Advanced Features

  • Demo Live trade with 50,000 USDT demo coins

App Coming Soon

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Passive Income

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Finally, you will be taught how to enjoy a complete decentralised passive income stream before finishing the course!

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